
Friday, December 30, 2011

Corin's Success Story

This is my cousin's story. I'm so proud of her! She's been one of my biggest inspirations.

“I am a mother of 3 kids. I grew up active cheering in High School and then went on to join the Army. I was fit and healthy. I had my 3 precious daughters and that changed quickly. I ballooned up to 227lbs and couldn’t even do a jumping jack. (Sad I know) I tried many things but I struggled losing weight. I also struggled with energy. I was tested for many things at the doctors because I couldn’t make it until noon without being exhausted. Then one of my husband’s friends introduced us to the [Beachbody] coaching opportunity, (Yes I was still 227lbs) and we decided to do it. We started off using P90X. I was slowly losing the weight but still had this issue of fatigue. About 3 weeks into it we started using Shakeology. I cannot even begin to tell you what a game changer it was for me. Within the first couple of days I noticed how I could make it through the day easily while doing P90X without crashing. I was a big junk food-aholic and Shakeology helped me curb the cravings for the junk. That was it! It was my turning point in my weight loss. I finished my first round of P90X 60lbs lighter. I definitely contribute a bunch of it to Shakeology. It helped me get the best nutrition possible...” –Corin Hogan

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day #43

So today was day #43 of my P90X journey...kind of. Day #43 was actually a week ago. (Has that much time really passed since I started this?!) I did "Chest, Shoulders and Triceps" and Monday and then on Tuesday my kids were starting to get colds and I felt one coming on too. But since my cold hadn't really hit yet I did Plyometrics. The next day I definitely had a full on cold, so I allowed myself to rest Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. And then Saturday would have been Kenpo but I just did Ab Ripper instead as I was still getting over my cold. It was kind of a let down not to be able to workout those last few days. I've worked so hard up until this point, and I don't want to lose any of my I was super excited to find that by Sunday I was feeling much better. I'm very excited to BRING IT this week and give 110% to my workouts...

I decided that although I did workout Monday & Tuesday, I am redoing the entire week. This week would have been the last week of phase #2, or what we call a "rest week," (if you can call it that. ;) But knowing that I missed so much, I don't feel ready to soon be done with phase #2.

So today I did "Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps" and "Ab Ripper X". I continue to be grateful for the challenge of Chest Shoulders and Triceps...because I really need it! Since there are so many push-ups in this segment, I start on my knees and stay on my knees! It makes me feel better to see that the only female on this DVD does most of hers the same way. I hope to someday be able to do most, if not all on my feet...We'll see if that day ever comes...but I'll keep working towards it! I find it interesting how little push-ups I can do at the beginning of the segment, and the more I can do further into the segment when I'm really warmed up. It's like when you start a hike up a mountain and start to feel the burn and think, "I don't know if I can do this!" But as you keep going it seems to get easier and easier.

I love Ab Ripper X more and more as time goes on. It's more of my favorite P90X segments...

"Ab Ripper X...I hate it, but I love it...." - Tony Horton

And I love that it's getting easier and easier for me as time goes on to keep up and put more intensity into this workout. Like most post-pregnancy moms, my greatest wish is to have my abs back...I want it SO badly!! And this workout is definitely helping me get there. I just hope that as I continue to eat well and do my workouts they start to surface again soon.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Take The Beachbody Challenge!

This is my WHY.

It's about Family, Health, Happiness, Enjoying life, Having Energy, Truly Living, & Changing Lives. Fitness + Nutrition + Support = SUCCESS!

Beachbody Challenge packs are the best complete package deal around for a real life tranformation. The Challenge Pack includes...
  • The fitness program of your choice (see picture below)
  • 1 month of Shakeology, "The Healthiest Meal of the Day" to jump-start your health
  • 1 month free subscription and full access to Beachbody's website
  • Free coaching and support
  • Free shipping
Plus a chance to win over $100,000!

Take the Beachbody Challenge!
Click to view success stories and for more details 

Learn more about Shakeology
Learn more about Beachbody's fitness programs

The Challenge Pack saves you money...Up to $55, depending on which fitness program you choose and with free shipping. It's also a great opportunity for those who are looking into becoming a Beachbody coach as when you choose a Challenge Pack to begin with, the $39.99 coach sign-up fee is waived.

Decide, Commit, Succeed.

I am looking for a group of 5 people to take the challenge. We'll work on a program together beginning sometime in February whenever everyone's ready to go! Let me know which program you would be interested in. And if you know of someone who needs a jump-start to better health for the new year, please share this opportunity with them.

Contact me to learn how you can take "The Beachbody Challenge" and change your life forever.

An Update & Staying Committed to Fitness During the Holidays

Hey Everyone!!

I've completely gotten out of the habit of blogging about my workouts for the last two weeks...and the more time that passes, the more daunting the task becomes (anyone else ever felt that way about blogging?) I also got a little side-tracked with my contest...and life... :) But, I'm back and I'm here to update you all on my P90X journey. Although I haven't been writing much about it, I've continued doing my P90X workouts every day possible (I've only missed a few days, including the last couple days since I got a cold) and continue to rock it! I just get more and more excited about this journey as time goes on. I absolutely love working with Beachbody, helping others get fit, as well as myself. I am always thrilled to hear how Shakeology and Beachbody work out programs are helping others.

So...since I have a lot of make-up, this blog entry will not go into a whole lot of detail for each day I've worked out, but at least I'll be back on track with documenting my progress. :)

So, in one of the last posts I wrote, I talked about some of my goals for taking this endeavor to the next level of commitment...specifically with getting my workouts done in the morning, increasing the intensity level in my workouts, and eating even healthier. I feel that I am not yet meeting these goals 100% but I am doing a lot better. I've gotten up to workout in the morning as much as possible. This might not be a real practical goal for me at the moment...but as some certain circumstances in my personal life change soon it should be more of a practical goal. Basically, sometimes the need for more sleep in the morning, to be able to function happily throughout the rest of the day is more important. Although I'd LOVE to be able to get my workouts done earlier in the day, sometimes my schedule has to be does anyone's.

However, if you can help it, I definitely recommend getting workouts done as early in the day possible. Having those extra endorphins to kick-start your day, not having to think about getting your workout in for the rest of the day, and having that time later in the day to get other things accomplished is a great thing. However, it is so incredibly important to get daily exercise, so it has to happen sometime...even if it's later in day or evening.

As for increasing the level of intensity in my workouts, I feel I am doing very well in that area. For instance, on Tuesday I did Plyometrics and I was so excited about how strong I felt and how hard I was able to push. It's days like this that really keep me motivated with my P90X journey. When I work so dang hard everyday to improve my fitness, it's so exciting to see progress. While doing Plyo I was squatting lower and performing the moves at a faster pace. I'm finally able to touch the ground during certain squatting moves where there is room for modification (such as touching your knee or leg instead of reaching all the way to the ground.)

I haven't written much on this blog about nutrition and healthy eating...And this fact really nags at me because this topic is 85% of the struggle that people face when working to live a healthier life or lose weight. I'm waiting for an opportunity where I can really focus on it (it will happen), to help myself and others understand even better JUST HOW MUCH we need to focus on healthy eating. I wouldn't say that I have neglected it completely, as I have written about Shakeology, (which is an incredible tool for getting your diet and health on track.) But I hope to soon focus more on nutrition in general on this blog. I can guarantee you that if you are only focusing on one aspect of healthy living, such as exercise, you might not see the best results. Healthy living has to be the whole package deal...getting good sleep, drinking water, healthy eating, exercise (both cardio and resistance), etc.. When we can commit to the whole package that's when the REAL results come. And that is the standard to hold up against any type of fitness/health program...Do they focus on the whole package? I know that Beachbody does, and that's why I stand by them.

(Doesn't this look amazing? I'm going to make it this week...Click here for the recipe)

But I am happy to report that my eating habits have been WONDERFUL the last several weeks. And this makes me so happy. There is still room for improvement, but I seriously haven't eaten this well in long time...or maybe even in my whole life:

For the most part, I've kept junk food out of my house entirely. I believe this to be the most important change I've made so far, as it helps both me and my family eat healthier. And not only have I done well to steer clear of stocking my cupboards with junk and sweets, I've also been more selective of the other foods that I eat: Eating more natural, whole, raw, unprocessed foods, and even some certified organic foods. I drink only water and I shoot for at least 75 oz. per day. And also with cutting out extra sugar by avoiding even certain "healthier" foods. I have done very little eating out (and only Subway when I have.) And of course, I drink Shakeology daily which has a low glycemic index level, encourages more fruit in my diet as I like to include food like strawberries & bananas in my shakes (plus Shakeology already contains antioxidant-rich fruits), helps to satisfy my cravings for sweets, and keeps me full. The more I research Shakeology and healthy eating in general, the more excited I am to share it with others.

As the Christmas/Holiday season approaches, I feel an even greater excitement and appreciation for the commitment I've made to healthier living. The holidays are notorious for encouraging inactivity and weight gain (the average is about 6 lbs, read this great article for tips on keeping the pounds off while celebrating the holidays.) But I've decided that the holiday festivities are not going to get the best of me this year, or any of the coming health and body count on me for the other 11 months of the year. I am making exceptions for certain days like Christmas to enjoy a few holiday treats, but other than that my eating is/will be clean. I encourage all of you to think about how you spend your time during your holiday breaks and what you eat...Do you really need that extra piece of fudge or that cookie? Or are you eating it just because it's sitting there? It is possible to celebrate these wonderful holidays while keeping on track with your health and fitness goals. And it's even possible to START working on such goals during the holidays.

I wish you all Happy Holidays and a Healthier New Year!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Real Change Fitness Contest #1

I'm WAY excited to announce the winner...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Week #6 Stats

Hey again everyone!

Last day to enter my Get Fit & Have Fun contest!! Ends at midnight December 8th.
See previous blog below for details. Or click here.

So, I just took my 6 week measurements and I'm way excited about the results! I was nervous as I was taking them because I look in the mirror everyday and I don't notice a huge difference. I keep working hard and eating right...but I want to see the proof that this is working for me. Well here it is!! I took them today just because I happened to take my first measurements at the start of week #3, so I planned to do it again after another 3 weeks. I wish I'd taken my first measurements on week #1, but it just didn't happen. I haven't blogged for several days because of my current contest, but I will write about how I've been doing with my workouts and goals soon.

                             Week #1              Week #3              Week #6
Weight                   129 lbs.              126.4 lbs               124.8 lbs.
BMI                            20.8                      20.3                       20.0
Body Fat %              ---                         20.7%                    20.4%
Muscle %                 ---                         36.0%                    36.1%
Arms                        ---                          9 1/2"                        10"           
Small Waist              ---                             29"                    27 1/2"!!
Large Waist              ---                      32 3/4"                        31"
Hips                          ---                            35"                    34 3/4" 
Mid-butt                    ---                           36"                     35 1/2"
Thighs                       ---                           21"                          19"

Just so ya'll know, when I take my measurements I don't squeeze the tape to measure around myself or suck it in...these are real stats...And the proof that I am working hard to change my body and my life with a program that REALLY works. I love P90X. :)

Two things to note...I'm not sure why but the only numbers that haven't changed much are my fat and muscle percentages...which is strange because every other number has changed. I even lost 2 lbs. in the last 3 weeks!! (I do, however, expect my weight to start plateauing soon as I gain more muscle.) Maybe my scale is not super accurate or these percentages really haven't changed that much...but the thing is, is that the measuring tape doesn't lie and I am seeing CHANGE!!

I do hope to start seeing more progress around my "large waist" area soon. I think that adding more of the "Core Synergistics" segment will help with that. I will be substituting "Back & Biceps" for Core each week. But nearly 2 inches gone in 3 weeks is pretty cool!!

I was happy to see that the only number that went up was my arm's circumference. People have started noticing the definition in my arms...and I'll admit that I have been known to flex my muscles in front of the mirror every once in while these days ;) ...I flexed for my husband the other day and he says, "Whoa, do that again!" He's especially excited to see my progress and is proud of all I'm doing. Love you honey!

Thanks for reading! Go enter my contest if you haven't done so already. I will be announcing the winner on December 9th!! Do it now!! And share with friends too. :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Beachbody, Get Fit & Have Fun Contest!!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my blog and to my first ever Get Fit & Have Fun Contest! To celebrate this new journey to get into the most amazing shape of my life and to help others do the same, I want to reward one follower with an AWESOME Beachbody prize!

So, what's the prize?

One winner will receive a choice of one of the following:

  • A $25 gift card* toward anything from my Team Beachbody page
  • A weeks worth (6 packets) of Shakeology
  • INSANITY® Fast and Furious DVD with Shaun T, or
  • TurboFire Greatest HIITs DVD with Chalene Johsnon

What's in going to take to WIN?!

You can participate in various ways for this contest to accumulate points. For each point you accumulate you get your name in a drawing. So the more points you get, the more likely you are to win one of the fabulous prizes mentioned above!  You can get points by doing ANY of the following:

  • 1 POINT: "Like" my FB page. If you're already a follower of my FB page, comment on my wall saying "Count me in!"
  • 1 POINT: Get 1 point for EACH person you refer to my FB page. Make sure they say something like, "(Your name) sent me!" You can share this blog post and then they have a chance to win.
  • 3 POINTS: Sign up for a Beachbody account by going through my Beachbody web page. Click "Join," then "Sign me up for a FREE membership."**
  • 5 POINTS: Make a purchase from my store during the contest week.

How long will the contest last?

The contest will begin at 12:00 AM December 1st and end at 11:59 PM December 8th, 2011 HST. The winner will be announced December 9th.

Why Beachbody?

Beachbody is the fastest growing home-based fitness company in America. They feature some of the most FUN, most EFFECTIVE, and highest QUALITY fitness programs there are from trainers like Tony Horton, Chalene Johnson, Shaun T, and more. One reason why these programs are so effective is that they focus on what really works: Challenging workouts involving both Resistance Training and Cardio. And the programs also incorporate tools to aid with good nutrition, and staying accountable and focused on your goals. So if you have been struggling to lose weight, or want to take your fitness to a whole new level, I encourage you to look into these programs and find the one that *you* would enjoy the most. I plan to try all of them, but right now I am thoroughly enjoying the P90X program with Tony Horton. As challenging as the workouts are, I look forward to them because I know that they are changing my life and my body for the better. Another reason why Beachbody has impressed me is their high quality nutritional supplements, more specifically Shakeology. They have done everything they can do make a product that truly nourishes, rejuvenates, and restores the body. And you're not going to find a product that does this better then Shakeology. There's no chemicals, preservatives, or colorings...just 70+ all natural, whole food ingredients that have been processed as little as possible to deliver the most potent nutrition possible. And it's one of the best ways to lose weight (or maintain a good weight), but most get healthy!! To read about what benefits I personally have found from using Shakeology, you can read my blog here.


It's time to decide to live a healthier life, to commit to doing what it takes to reach your goals, and to finally succeed in reaching those goals. I want to be your coach and help you reach your goals, to live happier and healthier. Go to my web page, click "join" and get a free membership, free coaching, and the support you need. I am so excited about my opportunity to work with Beachbody to motivate others to truly care for their bodies through exercise and good nutrition and I look forward to working with all of you.


Melissa Oliver

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

* To choose the gift card option, you must have a Beachbody account with me as your coach.
** No credit card is required (unless you choose to upgrade your account.) By having a free Beachbody account you can get access to WOWY the online super gym, where you can log in workouts, track your progress, find workout buddies, and even get the chance to win $$ just for working out. You also get free coaching through me. Please note that neither I nor Beachbody will ever sell or distribute your personal information. If you do choose to upgrade your Beachbody account, you will get 10% off of all Beachbody products through my store.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day #25 & #26

Day #25, Thursday: X Stretch

If you read my last P90X post (day #24), you know that I've committed to take this program to a new level of commitment both with the workouts and with my eating. I'm pumped to work even harder,  push even more during my workouts, and eat even better... And like I promised myself, I got up early (5:30 AM) for my workout Thursday morning... Thursday was X Stretch. Haha. I was pumped for a Plyometrics/ Legs & Back double session!! But since I'm going to do better to stay on schedule (with the exception of Core Synergistics), I did X Stretch. Tony Horton talks about just how important flexibility is to fitness in general and in preventing injury... To be honest, I'm not completely sold on this particular session of P90X yet (I've never stretched for so long before), but I will keep working at it. I have been, however, very satisfied with the warm ups and cool downs with each of the other workout DVD's, and with the stretching involved. I have especially gained a greater appreciation for the warm ups and how much more I can do during a workout after a good warm up. I was already moderately flexible before beginning P90X almost 4 weeks ago, but I'm happy to report that my flexibility has improved.
Day #26,  Friday: Core Synergistics

Awww....I LOVE the feeling I get after a challenging, sweat-inducing cardio workout!! I feel like a new person and like my insides are singing Hallelujah!  Today I pushed myself hard and I'd say I got almost as good as of a workout as Plyometrics gives me...and all the while strengthening my core. There are 3 distinct workouts that I especially appreciate because they work me SO good.

Banana- alternating between lying on the back, right side, stomach and left side, while lifting up the arms and legs off the floor (straight out)
Bow to Boat- alternating between being on the stomach while holding onto the legs and keeping them and the chest off the floor, and then to "boat" where you balance on your bottom  while lifting the legs off the floor with the arms straight out above them.

(Boat- I cannot yet get my legs quite as high and straight as this girl,
but this gives you an idea of what it looks like)

Superman Banana- alternating between lying on back and stomach while lifting up the arms and legs off the floor (straight out).

Ah, there are so hard but so good. I really have to breath through these. During each of these 3 workouts Tony has you switch to the alternate position very quickly...It's "X city", as Tony likes to say! :)

One more thing that I want to mention is I'm getting better with push-ups! I challenged myself today to do mostly guy push-ups. I cannot yet go all of the way down and up in this position, but I was going about half way down. And if you know anything about P90X, you know that when they do "push-ups"...there's always an addition to the move incorporated at the same time, like leg raises, or putting one leg on top of the other, etc.. There are no plain ol' traditional crunches, sit ups or push-ups in P90X, at least in the first phase. (There are more traditional push-ups on the "Chest, Shoulders and Triceps" DVD that you start doing in Phase 2.) So I'm excited about the improvement that I'm seeing!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why Shakeology?

Click to visit my Shakeology page

How Much is Your Health Worth?

How much are you willing to pay for an actual meal that keeps you full, tastes great, satisfies your sweet tooth, gives you great nutrition, and heals the body? As well as helps you to lose (or maintain) weight, correct cholesterol levels, soothe your digestive system and promote regularity, strengthen your immune system, and give you amazing energy?

People ask me: Shakeology seems expensive, how can I afford it?

In turn, I like to ask them these questions:

  • How much do you currently spend per month on drinks (coffee, smoothies, soda, etc..) that aren't necessarily healthy for you, but might in fact be harming your body?
  • How much do you spend per month on eating out at restaurants or even fast food restaurants? And is your body really being nourished or is your appetite just being satisfied?
  • How much money do you spend per month on junk food that only promotes sluggishness and weight gain?
  • Is the way you are currently eating helping you reach your weight and fitness goals?

Shakeology is a wonderful, advanced tool to help get on your diet, weight, health, and life on track!!

Too often people turn to food that is "cheap" or "convenient." But is the cost of what we eat more then we realize? Shakeology is so great because it takes the guess work out of what to eat for one meal and helps motivate you to eat healthier throughout the day. And when we are healthier we are less prone to illness and disease, which can be much more costly down the road (financially and emotionally) then any premium diet. We all live busy lives and need all the energy and health we can get. 

The money we spend on food is some of the most important money we can spend. And our food choices are some of the most important choices we make each day. Shakeology is worth every penny at $3*/$4 per serving. If you were to go out and buy all the ingredients in one serving of Shakeology it would cost more than $40 (and I promise that you wouldn't be able to get it to taste nearly as good!) And it's a meal replacement. That way you can make it part of your food budget and be on your way to better health and energy than you've ever had.

And one more reason why Shakeology is amazing: there are no chemicals, colorings or preservatives and Beachbody will never add anything of the sort. Just good whole all natural nutrition, with the best bio-availability possible. Beachbody strives to keep the promise that it's the "Healthiest Meal of the Day." It's also a full and complete program with the Shakeology workouts (free with Home Direct, 30 and 50 minute DVD's) and full meal plan for guidance on what to eat during the rest of the day.

Beachbody has a 30 day money back guarantee on all their products, including Shakeology. So, if you try Shakeology and find that it's not what you're looking for, return it (even if the bag is empty) for your money back, minus s&h.

Contact me to learn how you can get a 25% discount on Shakeology (and all of Beachbody's products.) And feel free to contact me with any other questions and how you can get a free sample of Shakeology.

My Experience with Shakeology:

I have been using Shakeology every day now for almost a month, and I LOVE IT! My goal in using Shakeology has been to gain more energy, lose the last few pounds left over from pregnancy, and just to get healthier in general. And I know that Shakeology is helping me reach my goals.

As you can see on this blog, I am currently doing the P90X program. Right now I take care of my 2 (very young) children full time, as well as run a household. And then on top of that I'm doing intense 1 + hour long workouts 6 days a week. I know that I would not have be able to do as much as I do now, and have lots of energy to spare, without Shakeology.

How has Shakeology benefited me so far?
  • More energy in general
  • More energy for my workouts
  • I feel happier and like I can adapt better to the stress in my life
  • My digestion has improved
  • Before I started shakeology I was very sore after workouts, but now I experience very little muscle soreness
  • Weight loss. Since starting shakeology a month ago I have lost about 4 pounds.
  • Better mental clarity and focus
  • I just feel a whole lot healthier in general.

    These benefits are huge to me! These are things that I've wanted for a long time, and I'm so happy to finally see improvements in these areas.

    Shakeology has also motivated me to eat healthier throughout the day. The shakes are so a chocolate milkshake or an amazing fruit smoothie (depending on which flavor you buy and how you make it) so it satisfies my craving for sweets. And when I think about eating any kind of junk food I really think twice now. I have the opportunity to put superior nutrition into my body...why would I want to mess that up later in the day?

    Here's one example of how Shakeology has helped me avoid junk food:

    The other day I was craving cookies. I thought, I'm going to see if there is a healthier option... And there is! I found a recipe for Shakeology No Bake Cookies and made them. They are very good and require no baking or boiling, only mixing...and contain only healthy, whole ingredients. Now whenever I crave sweets I grab a couple out of the fridge and they completely satisfy my craving for junk. You can find the recipe here.

    Wednesday, November 23, 2011

    Time to Step It Up!

    I have some catching up to do for the last few days...

    Day #22, Monday: Kenpo X

    Monday was a good day for P90X. I was pumped and ready to go! I went to my computer as I usually do to see what workout I have scheduled and I was surprised to see "Yoga" listed. I didn't realize that I was almost done with Phase 1! So, as much as I *Love* Yoga X ;), I just wasn't feeling that particular workout that day...and since I'd missed Kenpo X on Saturday I decided to switch it up and do Kenpo instead. And as usual, I had a lot of fun! One thing I was happy to find is how much stronger my legs are. Toward the end of the segment Tony has you in "horse stance," which is basically a squat with legs far apart...while doing different arm movements. I made as low of a squat as I possible could and held it for several minutes...and I didn't even get fatigued.

    I also really enjoy the "breaks" in Kenpo X... which aren't even breaks. You can towel off and grab water quickly, but they keep moving. This is where they do jumping jacks and X-jumps. I like the X- jumps! And I love that I can keep up and do all 10 during each break.
    Day #23, Tuesday: Core Syngergistics

    I had done Core Synergistics once was my first day of P90X, 22 days ago, when initially I stated the "Lean" schedule of P90X (then the next day I switched to Classic.) But doing Core Syngergistics on Tuesday I got a little frustrated because I realized just HOW MUCH I need this workout. I love all of the P90X workouts I've done so far...but I really need Core Synergistics and I wish I had it in my schedule more often. It focuses on the arms and core so well, and those are the areas where I need the most work. I feel like my legs have been getting the biggest workout so far, and that's my strong point. I'm seriously thinking of switching my schedule around a little...which I feel guilty about because it's a strict regimen...but I know that adding more Core is going to help me reach my goals more quickly. I might substitute one of the workouts with Core Synergistics the next few weeks.
    Day #24, Wednesday: Ab Ripper X

    One thing you should know about me and about this blog, is that I'm going to do my best not to sugar coat things. We're all human and most of us are not experts with fitness...but we're all working together to become so. That's why I've asked you on this journey with me. Because we all have improvements to make. We all have great days, and we all have rough days. But the key is that on rough days we pick ourselves up and move on, instead of giving up.

    Today was a challenging day when it came to getting my workout done. I got way too little sleep the night before... You can take the most amazing supplements (like Shakeology), and have a great diet (which I've been doing by best to have)...but if you don't get good sleep you're not going to be able to BRING IT as well as you was my most sleep deprived day with P90X so far it...and it was rough. I went to turn on Kenpo, which I had scheduled and I was really dragging my feet. And I was upset with myself because I love Kenpo. But I was lacking energy. I decided that I needed to pick something that I would be able to give my all. I thought, 20 minutes is about all I've got today (yes, I got that little sleep) I chose Ab Ripper X (and I'll be making up Kenpo later.) Even doing Ab Ripper was super challenging, but I pushed through it. I realized that being sleep deprived, there was this mental block. I just couldn't focus on the task at hand nearly as well.

    So...Tomorrow I am determined to take this to a new level and commitment! I feel like I've been getting a little sloppy with this the last few days, and I want that to end... Starting with getting up early everyday, and eating more closely to the P90X diet (I've been doing very well so far. I can't follow the P90X diet perfectly as I am exclusively nursing my daughter and have to take that into consideration...but I do have room for improvement.) I really want to be seeing more results then I already am. I'm going to push myself even harder & eat even better. I want to be truly proud of this journey when the 90 days are up, and know that I gave it everything I could...

    Monday, November 21, 2011

    Done with Week #3!

    I'm happy to report that I have completed week #3 of P90X! One more week until I have officially completed the first phase of P90X. The last few days have been crazy busy so I had to put posting to my blog on the back burner...but I'M BACK!

    Day #18, Thursday: Yoga

    So my biggest struggle with P90X so far has been getting up early in the morning. I have had the best of intentions to wake up early in the morning, to get my workout done and out of the way for the day...but so far it's not happening. But I'm determined to make it happen and to make it a it will. Luckily,  I've done really well to get my workouts done later in the day.

    But I don't feel like I'll be able to make the most of the P90X Yoga segment until I do start getting up early for it. On Tuesday my daughter woke up from her nap 20 minutes into my workout. Ugh... So I just tried to make the most of it, while keeping her happy at the same time. Luckily she went back to sleep and I was able to get the last half hour done without interruption. It just didn't feel like as good of a workout with all the interruptions...but I was able to do the whole hour and a half...just all broken up.

    So far my favorite part of Yoga X is the "balancing exercises" during the 2nd half of the workout. The poses are kind of fun, I think. Like "tree pose." And I was able to do poses like "royal dancer" much better this time around (where you balance on one foot while lifting your other leg up and behind a ballet dancer.) And I was able to do better with "wheel, " a gymnastics move that I could do really well when I was young. This is "wheel"...

    ... I took for granted what coordination and strength it took to do this when I was a kid.
    Day #19, Friday: Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X

    On Friday I did Ab Ripper X first on purpose. The reason being is that Ab Ripper X does not focus only on the Abs. It works on the Core as a whole and even the legs...but mostly the Abdomen area. And it is X-tremely good at it too. ;) I like to feel how I'm progressing in that area, without being tired from already working out with the other segment.

    Legs & Back is a great workout! It kicks my butt but it feels so good. I'm still not able to do full pull-ups without support (with a chair) but I can tell that not too much longer and I'll be able to do it without support.

    Day #20, Saturday:  :(~ (Raspberry)

    Yes, I said "raspberry." Saturday was my first day missing a P90X workout, and I wasn't too happy about it... But I had to make a choice. I had some other responsibilities that took precedence. My goal is for this to happen as little as possible and I'm happy that I've gotten this far into the program without having to skip a workout.

    I will be making up this workout session, that would have been the end of the 90 days.