
Monday, November 21, 2011

Done with Week #3!

I'm happy to report that I have completed week #3 of P90X! One more week until I have officially completed the first phase of P90X. The last few days have been crazy busy so I had to put posting to my blog on the back burner...but I'M BACK!

Day #18, Thursday: Yoga

So my biggest struggle with P90X so far has been getting up early in the morning. I have had the best of intentions to wake up early in the morning, to get my workout done and out of the way for the day...but so far it's not happening. But I'm determined to make it happen and to make it a it will. Luckily,  I've done really well to get my workouts done later in the day.

But I don't feel like I'll be able to make the most of the P90X Yoga segment until I do start getting up early for it. On Tuesday my daughter woke up from her nap 20 minutes into my workout. Ugh... So I just tried to make the most of it, while keeping her happy at the same time. Luckily she went back to sleep and I was able to get the last half hour done without interruption. It just didn't feel like as good of a workout with all the interruptions...but I was able to do the whole hour and a half...just all broken up.

So far my favorite part of Yoga X is the "balancing exercises" during the 2nd half of the workout. The poses are kind of fun, I think. Like "tree pose." And I was able to do poses like "royal dancer" much better this time around (where you balance on one foot while lifting your other leg up and behind a ballet dancer.) And I was able to do better with "wheel, " a gymnastics move that I could do really well when I was young. This is "wheel"...

... I took for granted what coordination and strength it took to do this when I was a kid.
Day #19, Friday: Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X

On Friday I did Ab Ripper X first on purpose. The reason being is that Ab Ripper X does not focus only on the Abs. It works on the Core as a whole and even the legs...but mostly the Abdomen area. And it is X-tremely good at it too. ;) I like to feel how I'm progressing in that area, without being tired from already working out with the other segment.

Legs & Back is a great workout! It kicks my butt but it feels so good. I'm still not able to do full pull-ups without support (with a chair) but I can tell that not too much longer and I'll be able to do it without support.

Day #20, Saturday:  :(~ (Raspberry)

Yes, I said "raspberry." Saturday was my first day missing a P90X workout, and I wasn't too happy about it... But I had to make a choice. I had some other responsibilities that took precedence. My goal is for this to happen as little as possible and I'm happy that I've gotten this far into the program without having to skip a workout.

I will be making up this workout session, that would have been the end of the 90 days.

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