
Monday, December 19, 2011

Day #43

So today was day #43 of my P90X journey...kind of. Day #43 was actually a week ago. (Has that much time really passed since I started this?!) I did "Chest, Shoulders and Triceps" and Monday and then on Tuesday my kids were starting to get colds and I felt one coming on too. But since my cold hadn't really hit yet I did Plyometrics. The next day I definitely had a full on cold, so I allowed myself to rest Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. And then Saturday would have been Kenpo but I just did Ab Ripper instead as I was still getting over my cold. It was kind of a let down not to be able to workout those last few days. I've worked so hard up until this point, and I don't want to lose any of my I was super excited to find that by Sunday I was feeling much better. I'm very excited to BRING IT this week and give 110% to my workouts...

I decided that although I did workout Monday & Tuesday, I am redoing the entire week. This week would have been the last week of phase #2, or what we call a "rest week," (if you can call it that. ;) But knowing that I missed so much, I don't feel ready to soon be done with phase #2.

So today I did "Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps" and "Ab Ripper X". I continue to be grateful for the challenge of Chest Shoulders and Triceps...because I really need it! Since there are so many push-ups in this segment, I start on my knees and stay on my knees! It makes me feel better to see that the only female on this DVD does most of hers the same way. I hope to someday be able to do most, if not all on my feet...We'll see if that day ever comes...but I'll keep working towards it! I find it interesting how little push-ups I can do at the beginning of the segment, and the more I can do further into the segment when I'm really warmed up. It's like when you start a hike up a mountain and start to feel the burn and think, "I don't know if I can do this!" But as you keep going it seems to get easier and easier.

I love Ab Ripper X more and more as time goes on. It's more of my favorite P90X segments...

"Ab Ripper X...I hate it, but I love it...." - Tony Horton

And I love that it's getting easier and easier for me as time goes on to keep up and put more intensity into this workout. Like most post-pregnancy moms, my greatest wish is to have my abs back...I want it SO badly!! And this workout is definitely helping me get there. I just hope that as I continue to eat well and do my workouts they start to surface again soon.

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