
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why Shakeology?

Click to visit my Shakeology page

How Much is Your Health Worth?

How much are you willing to pay for an actual meal that keeps you full, tastes great, satisfies your sweet tooth, gives you great nutrition, and heals the body? As well as helps you to lose (or maintain) weight, correct cholesterol levels, soothe your digestive system and promote regularity, strengthen your immune system, and give you amazing energy?

People ask me: Shakeology seems expensive, how can I afford it?

In turn, I like to ask them these questions:

  • How much do you currently spend per month on drinks (coffee, smoothies, soda, etc..) that aren't necessarily healthy for you, but might in fact be harming your body?
  • How much do you spend per month on eating out at restaurants or even fast food restaurants? And is your body really being nourished or is your appetite just being satisfied?
  • How much money do you spend per month on junk food that only promotes sluggishness and weight gain?
  • Is the way you are currently eating helping you reach your weight and fitness goals?

Shakeology is a wonderful, advanced tool to help get on your diet, weight, health, and life on track!!

Too often people turn to food that is "cheap" or "convenient." But is the cost of what we eat more then we realize? Shakeology is so great because it takes the guess work out of what to eat for one meal and helps motivate you to eat healthier throughout the day. And when we are healthier we are less prone to illness and disease, which can be much more costly down the road (financially and emotionally) then any premium diet. We all live busy lives and need all the energy and health we can get. 

The money we spend on food is some of the most important money we can spend. And our food choices are some of the most important choices we make each day. Shakeology is worth every penny at $3*/$4 per serving. If you were to go out and buy all the ingredients in one serving of Shakeology it would cost more than $40 (and I promise that you wouldn't be able to get it to taste nearly as good!) And it's a meal replacement. That way you can make it part of your food budget and be on your way to better health and energy than you've ever had.

And one more reason why Shakeology is amazing: there are no chemicals, colorings or preservatives and Beachbody will never add anything of the sort. Just good whole all natural nutrition, with the best bio-availability possible. Beachbody strives to keep the promise that it's the "Healthiest Meal of the Day." It's also a full and complete program with the Shakeology workouts (free with Home Direct, 30 and 50 minute DVD's) and full meal plan for guidance on what to eat during the rest of the day.

Beachbody has a 30 day money back guarantee on all their products, including Shakeology. So, if you try Shakeology and find that it's not what you're looking for, return it (even if the bag is empty) for your money back, minus s&h.

Contact me to learn how you can get a 25% discount on Shakeology (and all of Beachbody's products.) And feel free to contact me with any other questions and how you can get a free sample of Shakeology.

My Experience with Shakeology:

I have been using Shakeology every day now for almost a month, and I LOVE IT! My goal in using Shakeology has been to gain more energy, lose the last few pounds left over from pregnancy, and just to get healthier in general. And I know that Shakeology is helping me reach my goals.

As you can see on this blog, I am currently doing the P90X program. Right now I take care of my 2 (very young) children full time, as well as run a household. And then on top of that I'm doing intense 1 + hour long workouts 6 days a week. I know that I would not have be able to do as much as I do now, and have lots of energy to spare, without Shakeology.

How has Shakeology benefited me so far?
  • More energy in general
  • More energy for my workouts
  • I feel happier and like I can adapt better to the stress in my life
  • My digestion has improved
  • Before I started shakeology I was very sore after workouts, but now I experience very little muscle soreness
  • Weight loss. Since starting shakeology a month ago I have lost about 4 pounds.
  • Better mental clarity and focus
  • I just feel a whole lot healthier in general.

    These benefits are huge to me! These are things that I've wanted for a long time, and I'm so happy to finally see improvements in these areas.

    Shakeology has also motivated me to eat healthier throughout the day. The shakes are so a chocolate milkshake or an amazing fruit smoothie (depending on which flavor you buy and how you make it) so it satisfies my craving for sweets. And when I think about eating any kind of junk food I really think twice now. I have the opportunity to put superior nutrition into my body...why would I want to mess that up later in the day?

    Here's one example of how Shakeology has helped me avoid junk food:

    The other day I was craving cookies. I thought, I'm going to see if there is a healthier option... And there is! I found a recipe for Shakeology No Bake Cookies and made them. They are very good and require no baking or boiling, only mixing...and contain only healthy, whole ingredients. Now whenever I crave sweets I grab a couple out of the fridge and they completely satisfy my craving for junk. You can find the recipe here.

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