
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Shakeology Sample Packs

I am now offering customized Shakeology Sample Packs. This is for anyone interested in trying Shakeology for an extended period of time (up to 7 days), but doesn't want to commit to buying a month's worth right off the bat.

Currently I am offering Chocolate and Greenberry samples. Tropical Strawberry will be available for my Shakeology Sample Packs around February 20th, when I should be receiving my first order of Tropical Strawberry samples. (The official release date for Tropical Strawberry is February 14th and will be available in my store that day!) More details on this flavor can be found here.

Purchase HERE

Please Read Before Sending Payment:

  • You MUST make a FREE Beachbody account through me BEFORE sending payment. This will make me your free Beachbody coach. Go to, click "Join," then click the "Free Membership" on the bottom right of the page. If you already have an Team Beachbody account please contact me.
  • Only one customized sample pack per address. If you have purchased a sample pack before please contact me.
  • Please specify what flavors you want to try in the available field. (Example: For 7 samples..."4 Choc, 3 GreenB" ... or "7 Choc." It's up to you!)
  • The prices above include shipping. After confirming that your Beachbody account has been made and payment has been received, I will get your Shakeology in the mail ASAP. Please allow 5-14 days for arrival.
  • Each sample is a full serving (one complete meal) of Shakeology (1.7 oz) and should be mixed with at least 8 oz. of liquid. However, I recommend making it in the blender for a tasty icy treat! My favorite recipe includes 3/4 cup water, 3/4 cup skim or almond milk, lots of ice, one banana, PB or PB2 mixed in a blender. It's AMAZING!! Some prefer less/more liquid or different add-ins. You can play around with the ingredients to best fit your tastes!

  • DO NOT offer refunds for my Shakeology custom packs if you are unsatisfied with the product itself (i.e. taste, consistency, etc..) But please note that when you order Shakeology directly from My Official Beachbody Website, Beachbody does offer a 30 day bottom-of-the-bag guarantee. This guarantees that after purchasing the full 30 (bag) or 24 (packets) serving product, if for any reason you are unsatisfied with Shakeology you can send it back for a full refund (minus the cost of shipping.) That's how much Beachbody believes in this product!! Also note that it is rare for a person to dislike the Chocolate flavor...but common for people to dislike Greenberry. The cocoa that is added to the Chocolate flavor does well to mask the flavor of certain super healthy ingredients such as wheat grass and spirulina (plus it adds 2 grams more protein per serving than Greenberry.) I personally think the Chocolate flavor is DIVINE! So many people tell me that they are amazed by how good it tastes, especially with everything that's in it! :) And I've been told that the Tropical flavor is very good too!
  • highly recommend going with the month's worth because of the money back guarantee, but I am offering the Sample Packs to anyone still not comfortable buying a whole months worth at first...but who are serious about trying Shakeology and seeing what it can do for you!
  • One reason why I recommend trying a month's worth instead of just a week is this: The benefits of Shakeology are best realized when used for an extended period of time. For example, drinking a week's worth of Shakeology will give you good idea of the kind of energy it will give you, but since Shakeology's ingredients have a build-up effect you might noticed even more energy after more than a week's worth of Shakeology. This goes for changes in digestion, skin/hair/nails, reversing disease and degeneration in the body, etc.. So in short...trying a few days worth will give you an idea for how Shakeology will help you feel, which recipes are your favorite, and which flavors you like best.
  • Please contact me with any questions, concerns, or suggestions.

The best value when purchasing Shakeology is to get the bag (30 servings) on Home Direct (or HD, also known as auto-ship. This will give you free shipping!)

*Contact me if you are interested in only one sample.

The article below explains part of the reason why I'm offering the sample packs, and not just one sample to customers (although a month is still best):

Why I'm Not a Fan of Doing Shakeology Samples
by Terri Cruce

Before I go on too much, you should know that I am willing to give out samples to people who are serious about Shakeology and want the sample before they decide to buy.  So don't think that because I'm writing this note, I will not give out samples.  This is just to share with you my take on why I don't believe one sample is the best way to try Shakeology.

Reason Number 1

First of all, there's the obvious reason, which is it's just one sample.  Two, maybe, if you split it up and stretch it a bit.  While most people who try it do like it at first blush, there are some who either mix it wrong or are expecting something different, or for some other reason, don't especially like their first taste.  When that happens, I know that I have probably lost that person, who now believes it's not for them based on one try that probably wasn't optimal.

I mixed my first samples all wrong, they didn't taste as great as I expected, but I was already in the mindset that it didn't matter.  I was still going to order it and drink it because I knew the benefits far outweighed anything else.  I also knew that I would get better at mixing it and would find recipes that would make it work for me, which I did. 

I now love my Shakeology and don't let a day go by that I don't drink it.

Reason Number 2

One sample, one serving, will not let you really see just how good Shakeology can make you feel.  Even your skin will look better if you give it more time.  The effects of Shakeology are cumulative and to fully appreciate them, several weeks to a month is a much better test of how you will like it, how it will make you feel, and what it will do for you in terms of better health.

Many people have gotten completely off of their blood pressure and cholesterol medications because of Shakeology.  Some have been able to stop using other medications for other ailments, even arthritis and stomach problems.  In fact, there are ingredients in Shakeology that are very good at easing irritable bowel syndrome, t name just one benefit.

One sample, one serving, one day of drinking Shakeology will not allow you to realize those benefits.

So what do I think is the best way to try Shakeology?

I think the best way, by far, to sample Shakeology is to go ahead and just place an order for it, on home direct.  There are a number of reasons for this, and they basically are the ones I gave above.

It allows you to really have time to drink it over a period of time, which in most cases, results in being able to see the benefits first hand.  You lose weight.  You start to feel more energy.  Your digestion is better.  Your skin begins to look better.  You don't get sick as often and you just feel better overall.

You also really begin to love the flavor of it.  I cannot tell you how many times a person has tried one sample, told me they didn't like it that much, then decided to buy it anyway and began drinking it daily, only to come back to me and rave about the taste, how much they love it and how great they feel.  It happens over and over again.

Also, if you place an order on home direct, you get free shipping and two free gifts with your order.  You also get a bottom-of-the-bag guarantee.  You can finish off the entire order and still get a full refund if you don't like it.  But usually people love it and don't want to stop drinking it, and because it's on HD, home direct, your order will now be shipped automatically every month.

So that's my take on the best way to try Shakeology.  Go for the HD order.  Give it a try for a month.  See how you feel and how much weight you lose.  See what it does for you.

And if you are one of the rare people who really doesn't like it or want to stay on it, return your empty bag and get a full refund. 

How on earth can you lose?

And yes, if you still want a sample, I will send you one.  Message me to find out how to get a sample, if you prefer.  But please do that if you really are open minded and think you may want to order it, but just want to try it first.

Message me if you have any questions.  Give Shakeology a try.  Do it for your health!!

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