
Monday, October 31, 2011

Day #1- Core Synergistics

So today I finally began my first round of P90X! I literally woke up at 5 AM this morning and couldn't get back to sleep so I started my workout at 5:30. I was a little worried about how much I'd be able to do, but I feel like I did pretty well with this first segment. Tony Horton (the main man of P90X) explains it as the everyday muscle building segment. It's crucial for building overall durability to avoid injury for everyday activities. He says that it just might be your favorite workout since each of the muscle groups are used during the hour's routine...versus other segments which only work on a particular part of the body.

Core Synergistics focuses on building the muscles of the core...the trunk muscles and around the lumbar spine, as they are the foundation for all the rest of the body. I did lunges, variations of pushups...all kinds of crazy stuff I've never done. I love it! And I'm going to love it even more when I can actually do all the moves properly. I'll admit that I look pretty silly right now, but I just do my best to keep up and work at getting the closest to what the professionals are doing on the screen. As Tony Horton says, "Do your best and forget the rest!" It felt good to be able to keep up with the whole hour, including the "bonus round" at the end.

The hardest move on this DVD, for me, was the "walking push-ups"!! Where you get into plank position, like you're getting ready to go down in a push-up. But instead you walk your hands and feet forward and then backwards...Wow!! That's intense. It's the only workout on this DVD where I fell to the ground after it was done. I have A LOT of work to do on my upper body. I've never been very strong in that area. Right now I can't even do 1 "guy pushup" so I'm looking forward to changing this.

So, since "Core Synergistics" is the first segment of "Lean P90X"...and I switched to "Classic P90X," tomorrow I will do day #2 of Classic, and put day #1 (which would have been Ab Ripper X, and Chest & Back) at the end of the 90 days. That's what I'll be doing for all the days I miss...I'll make them up at the end.

I'm excited to see what "Plyometrics" is all about tomorrow!

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