
Monday, October 31, 2011

Change of Plans...Going Classic :)

So, I know I already wrote up a whole blog about choosing the lean version of P90X but...I've officially decided to do the classic version!

I sat at my computer last night and knowing that I was starting today, I had to make a choice. I chose lean, not for a cop-out...but it just seemed right at the moment. But after doing some more research I feel that classic is a better choice me because of my goals.

My Goals for P90X
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Gain more energy for working out and throughout the day
  • Find my lost abs
  • Get into the best shape I've ever been in!!
I'm currently at a healthy weight...about 130 lbs. (BMI 20.8) I'm pretty happy with my body right now considering I had a baby only 5 months ago...but my pregnancies have done a number on my abs...and I'll admit that it's partly due to not having very great abs to begin with. So I'm basically starting from ground zero in that area. I do have some extra jiggle to lose, but gaining muscle is what will help the most. And Classic P90X will be best at helping me gain muscle.

Classic vs. Lean

"P90X Lean is for those who want a more cardio-based and slightly less intensive program. Make no mistake, this is the real deal and no picnic. In fact, you may sweat more than in P90X. What you sacrifice in overall gains in strength and speed, you'll make up for with positive changes in lean body mass."

For Classic: "Consider this the starting line to the extreme physical and mental challenge ahead. It's time to show what you've got. It may take some time to get used to the rigors of this program, but with patience and determination, you will go the distance..."

Classic looks like it will be about 50% cardio most weeks. Muscle is what helps burn calories even after the workout is over, and what I'm BRING IT!!

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