
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day #4- Yoga X

Today was my first day of Yoga X. At the beginning Tony Horton introduces Yoga X as Yoga 300 and something...not 100 or 200...but a 300 level Yoga. :)

I knew I'd do okay since I've done most of this segment before. I am not able to do the push-ups very well yet, but I felt good about the rest of the workout. I am pretty flexible, naturally, so that helps.

I'd have to say that so far my favorite P90X segment is Plyometrics! It's intense and I feel like I really had to work...Yoga, although very necessary, didn't leave me as satisfied. I'm starting to get into the mindset where I really want to feel like I'm achieving something, physically, with each and every workout. That's not to say I don't have improvements to make with Yoga...oh I do. :) Like being able to do the move wear you balance your whole body on your hands. Yea...that one's going to take a while! One thing that I do like about Yoga is how great the stretches feel.

Tomorrow I do Legs & Back as well as Ab Ripper X. And it will be my first time doing Legs & Back. I expect to get a much more intense workout, and I really look forward to it!

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