
Monday, November 7, 2011

Before Pictures...

So...much to my dismay, part of the P90X program is the "Before Pictures." Ok, it's not that's just getting to the "After Pictures" part of the P90X journey that's the challenge. But it's also very exciting and motivating anticipating the changes I will see in my body.  In posting these pictures, I'm grateful for a few things:

1) I don't have much weight to lose...mostly just muscle to gain.
2) That in doing the P90X program I don't have to adjust my health habits too much. Being a health fanatic, I have been living a pretty healthy lifestyle already...But for me it's mainly cutting sugar out of my diet and incorporating more intense workouts.
3) And lastly, that I just had a baby 5 months ago (whom I carried extremely low and out) I kind of have an excuse for not having the perfect body at the moment.

I do have more ones of my stomach, but I don't think I'm brave enough to share them right now. Perhaps I'll share when I have the after pictures to use as a comparison

BRING IT!!! I want my after pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I know a lot of people who wouldn't mind their 'after' pictures looking like your 'before' pictures. Can't wait to see your complete transformation though. :)


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