
About Me

My name is Melissa and I'm very excited to be on this journey of getting into the best shape of my life and helping others do the same.

I've always been a skinny person, but I've never been super fit. And having had my 2nd child recently, I've come to the realization that if I don't do something to seriously change my fitness and eating habits now, that it's just going to get harder and harder to keep weight off and get in shape as time goes on. So I've committed to completing the P90X program for the first time, and then continuing on with P90X and other challenging programs to maintain a high level of fitness throughout my life.

Another motivation for getting fit is my son, who is now 2 1/2 years old. He's already showing great athletic ability and I want him to try all kinds of sports during his childhood...but I also want to be able to enjoy these kinds of activities with him. Like going to the park and kicking a ball around, or playing basketball. And with him being a highly energetic little boy, I'm going to need all the strength and energy I can get to keep up! I also want to be a great example to my children in taking care of this "temple" that I have been given. And to show them that eating right and exercising shows respect for this gift from God. For me, the focus is not necessarily having a more "sexy" body, but a stronger, healthier body. And also a body that I can feel good about, knowing that I've worked hard to get to where I am today.

One of the  reasons why I've teamed up with Beachbody and support their programs is that their methods  are complete and don't leave out any essentials...It's the basics really: good intense exercise and clean healthy eating and living. No strange fad diets. Beachbody encourages healthy living habits that people will enjoy, so that they'll continuing doing them for the rest of their lives...not just for a few weeks or a few months. I've also been looking for a way to encourage friends, family and people that I meet to live healthier lives. Being a college graduate with a degree in Health Science, healthy living is very important to me and I truly want to make a difference in many people's lives.

So far I am enjoying P90X very much. It's fun yet extremely effective. It's also serious and not cheesy or a waste of my time like other workout videos I've tried. P90X really makes you work for your goals, and gives people real results. I'm already feeling a huge difference in my life.

Check out my blog and facebook page for more info and to follow me on my  journey!

Feel free to ask about the many fantastic products that Beachbody offers, and how you too can get fit (or achieve even greater fitness), while helping others do the same. I am currently looking for motivated leaders to join my teach of Beachbody Coaches.

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See "Coach FAQ"

Contact me to learn how you can get a 25% discount on all of Beachbody's products. They also offer an amazing military discount.

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