
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Try Turbofire, P90X or Brazil Butt Lift for FREE!

For a limited time, I am able to offer a trial offer to the 3 most popular challenge packs: Brazil Butt Lift, Turbofire, and P90X. Each an amazing program for getting fit.

  • You get a complete fitness program with multiple workout DVD's, nutrition guide, fitness guide and free gifts (for going through me)
  • You get an entire month of Shakeology, the Healthiest Meal of the Day...that's 30 entire meals!
  • You pay $14.95 + tax
  • Keep it past the 30 day trial and pay for it, or send it back and you won't be charged.
  • Promotion ends July 31st!
Watch the videos below to see which program would be best for you!!

Take advantage of this deal now:, then "shop"

CONTACT ME with questions.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Upcoming Challenge Group!!

Challenge Group Info- Entry Deadline July 29th

My next CHALLENGE GROUP begins Monday, August 6th and you are invited!

The entry deadline of July 29th will allow everyone to have their supplies ready to go for our August 6th start date. The cost to join my challenge group is $0-$205, depending on what you already have and need. It's worth every penny and can actually save you money. Ask me how!

Watch this video and if you are serious about getting the best results in the shortest amount of time possible, with a great support network that won't let you fail, let me know! As your personal Beachbody coach I will be available by phone, text, email, fb to help you through the whole process. I want YOU to be successful at finally reaching your health/weight/fitness goals. And I will be doing a program along with you!

I’m forming a challenge group based on the Beachbody Challenge. It will be a great opportunity to get in shape because we’ll be accountable to each other, give support, & ask and answer each others questions for the duration of the 60/90 day programs. Most people will be doing either P90X or Insanity. However, there are other options if you need something a little less intense. We will be using Shakeology as our after-workout recovery meal. I’ve set the start date for Monday, August 6th. I’m here to help you with whatever fitness and health needs you might have. This is the time to get into the best shape of our lives and we are going to have a great time doing it together!

Let me which program you might be interested in trying or if you want any information about a particular program. SEE VIDEO LINKS BELOW! :)

Each Challenge Pack comes with the workout program of your choice (they each come with several workout DVD's, a nutrition and fitness guide for that program and bonus workouts), One month supply of Shakeology (30 all-natural whole food meals, with over 70 super-food ingredients for losing weight, gaining energy for your workout and your day, correcting cholesterol, reversing disease, getting healthy and many more benefits!), free one month membership to the Beachbody website, and free suppport from me and the rest of the Beachbody community. You save up to $55 with the Challenge pack off retail!

There are 2 new additions to the Challenge Packs...Les Mills Pump and Tai Cheng! And Challenge Packs can now be purchased from my store.

*Coach sign-up fee waived with Challenge Pack purchase. Contact me for details!

Learn more about "The Beachbody Challenge," Read success stories. Click "Take the Challenge to enter. Get a free T-shirt with the logo of your fitness program just for finishing!

Click "Shop." You can also purchase just Shakeology or just a Fitness program.

What will be required of YOU?

  • Order any needed supplies by Sunday, August 6th to make sure you are set and ready to go by the 11th. (Shipping can take 5-7 days.)
  • Commit to the 60/90 program of your choice and to give it your all everyday (You do everything at home, on your time and your schedule. No in-person meetings or group workouts.) 6 days a week, with a "rest day" on Sundays.
  • Check in with our FB Challenge group at least once per day.
  • Drink Shakeology once per day to replenish and fuel your changing body (preferably right after your workout.)
  • Take your before pictures. I know it can be embarrassing and comfortable to do so, but you'll be so happy you did. Think of it like you're saying goodbye to the you you will never know again!

Here are videos for all of the Challenge Pack options:



Insanity: The Asylum:


ChaLEAN Extreme:

Monday, June 25, 2012

VEGAN Chocolate Shakeology Available June 26th!

Hey everyone!!

I just got home from Summit and I am really looking forward to sharing what I learned with all of you and my team...but right now I want to make sure you know some great news! In our opening General Summit meeting, CEO Carl Daikler announced that Shakeology will now be available in VEGAN CHOCOLATE! And we don't have to wait for months for it to be released...only a few days!

A lot of people asked for it after the release of the first vegan formula, Tropical Strawberry. Now those people who follow a vegan diet, want a more plant based diet, or have dairy allergies have a new option. :) I made a video of myself trying the new flavor for the first time. Unfortuntaly, when I ordered mine from the Shakeology bar they gave me one with banana and peanut butter blended in with the Shakeology. I ordered more the next day...making sure I got it plain. Without the banana/pb it wasn't as creamy and was more like a slushy. To me, it was pretty good...but AMAZING with the banana/pb mixture. That's usually what I do with the current chocolate flavor anyway but usually with PB2, banana, water and lots of ice and I never get sick of it! It's my delicious treat!

The new flavor of Vegan Chocolate Shakeology will be available in the:

* Bag-  Tuesday, June 26th
Challenge Packs-  Thursday, June 28th and
* Single-serving packets-  Thursday, July 5th

Learn more

 The new blend includes 5 new superfoods (such as moringa and Himalayan salt), made with natural Cacoa and sweetened with coconut nectar instead of Non-GMO fructose. The new Vegan chocolate can used during the Ultimate Reset!

Best value during purchase is in the bag (30 servings) on Home Direct (will give you free shipping.) Free shipping is available for the United States and Canada with Home Direct!

I will be offering samples of the new formula soon.
Ingredients list coming soon! Stay tuned for more great news from Summit!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Get a $25 Giftcard to Target with Shakeology/Challenge Pack

Have you been thinking about trying Shakeology, but worried about the cost?

Save money by taking advantage of my promotion and get a $25 gift card to Target!

To qualify, purchase Shakeology on "Home Direct" (will give you free shipping) or a Challenge Pack (if you're wanting a fitness program as well) at my website. Challenge Packs automatically give you free shipping and save you up to $70:

Challenge Pack Options
Check out my store or contact me for more options.

Home direct is Beachbody's auto-ship program and can be cancelled at any time.

Why Shakeology?

  • All natural! No chemicals, preservatives, or coloring.
  • Whole ingredients with the least processing possible
  • Potent nutrition from 70+ super food ingredients
  • Lose weight with Shakeology's amazing ingredients and ability to satisfy cravings and appetite
  • Get energy! You will feel it!
  • Save money by craving less junk/sweets, replacing your daily multivitamin, etc... Contact me about saving money with Shakeology.
  • 30 day bottom of the bag guarantee- send it back for a full refund (minus S&H) if you're unsatisfied for ANY reason!

Contact me with any questions at or at the contact button on the right. One person will get a $25 gift card. Email me your address so I know where to ship your gift card. Promotion ends June 29th at 11:59 PM.

Join us for our Ultimate Reset challenge starting June 5th! Qualify for this promotion and change your health in an amazing way! Read for more details.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Beachbody Ultimate Reset Program

My husband I are very excited to be starting the Beachbody Ultimate Reset program on July 5th. We welcome anyone who's interested to join us on this 21-day journey. The results people are getting with this AMAZING program are undeniable! If I get enough people to join our group I will have a prize incentive. :)

For those of you who don't know what the Ultimate Reset is, it's a 21 day cleanse program where you eat SUPER clean and rid the body of toxins that its been holding on to for decades. I have been amazed at the real life results I've been seeing in so many others. 10, 20, 30 lbs lost, big drops in cholestol, huge benefits for health, etc.. People blowing through plateaus in their weight loss and learning life-long skills/habits. Tropical Shakeology is an option for the reset and helps to simplify things, but not required. Moderate to intense exercise is not recommended for this program. Only light exercise (such as the Beachbody program Tai Cheng, or walking) to aid in the detoxing process.

If you are interested in saving 25% contact me for details!

Ultimate Reset FAQs

Will I be hungry all the time during the Ultimate Reset?

No. You'll eat three healthy, satisfying meals every day. Most participants found the meals provided them with plenty of food. Just in case, though, we also give you a list of tasty snacks you can eat while still maintaining your Reset.

What's the difference between the Ultimate Reset and most cleanses on the market?

During the Ultimate Reset, you'll eat three healthy, satisfying meals every day and take supplements. You won't starve, drink only juice, or eat only meal replacements. You'll become familiar with delicious new foods and recipes that will help you maintain your health gains beyond these 21 days. In other words, the Reset isn't a quick fix. It's a path to real, long-term change.

Will I lose weight on the Ultimate Reset?

Probably. Most Reset participants have lost weight. However, they're even more excited to have acquired new, healthy habits and released unhealthy ones. They've eliminated cravings for sugar and caffeine, learned delicious ways to prepare fruits and vegetables, and grown more aware of how different foods affect their moods and energy levels, making it easier for them to continue eating healthily.

Can I work out during my Ultimate Reset?

No, for the 21 days of the Ultimate Reset, we suggest you refrain from strenuous exercise. The Reset is already giving your body a serious internal workout. After your Reset, you'll be ready to resume your Beachbody workout program and benefit even more from your efforts.

I'm on medication. Can I do the Reset?

Check with your physician before beginning the Reset to make sure that it won't react negatively with any medication you're taking.

I'm pregnant. Can I do the Ultimate Reset?

No. Your body's systems are already working hard. Wait to do the Reset another time.

What if I have questions, or need help understanding something in the Reset?

Don't worry! You'll have the support and guidance of your Coach every step of the way. And because your Coach has already completed the Reset, she'll know how to answer your questions from experience.

Beachbody Ultimate Reset   Is it right for you?

What's included with the Beachbody Ultimate Reset?

Guidebook, DVD schedule guide, and quickstart guide.

Free gifts, including a bracelet to wear to remind yourself of the commitment you are making to yourself and your loved ones. 

The supplements:

  • Alkalinize helps maintain alkalinity.*
  • Optimize promotes a healthy metabolism and effective body functions.*
  • Oxygenize helps provide supplemental oxygen to the body.*
  • Mineralize adds natural minerals needed by the body.*
  • Detox helps remove toxins and waste in the colon.*
  • Revitalize helps revitalize flora in the digestive tract.*

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Chocolate Covered Strawberries with Shakeology

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

I made these the same way as the bananas, but without PB2. They taste amazing. Perfect combination of flavors!

1/2 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
2 Tbs. coconut oil
1 tsp. honey or stevia (Optional)
10 medium sized strawberries

Mix the Shakeology, coconut oil, and honey together. Dip strawberries or drizzle mixture over strawberries. Freeze for approximately 20 minutes. The chocolate mixture will form a hard shell. This can be done with any fruit and tastes amazing!

I'm making these again this morning, they are so good!

What's in Shakeology?