
Monday, May 21, 2012

New Beachbody Challenge Group Coming!

Challenge Group Info- Entry Deadline June 4th

My next CHALLENGE GROUP begins Monday, June 11th and you are invited!

10 days left to enter. This will allow everyone to have their supplies ready to go for our June 11th start date. The cost to join my challenge group is $0-$205, depending on what you already have and need. It's worth every penny and can actually save you money. Ask me how!

Watch this video and if you are serious about getting the best results in the shortest amount of time possible, with a great support network that won't let you fail, let me know! As your personal Beachbody coach I will be available by phone, text, email, fb to help you through the whole process. I want YOU to be successful at finally reaching your health/weight/fitness goals. And I will be doing a program along with you!

I’m forming a challenge group based on the Beachbody Challenge. It will be a great opportunity to get in shape because we’ll be accountable to each other, give support, & ask and answer each others questions for the duration of the 60/90 day programs. Most people will be doing either P90X or Insanity. However, there are other options if you need something a little less intense. We will be using Shakeology as our after-workout recovery meal. I’ve set the start date for Monday, April 23rd. I’m here to help you with whatever fitness and health needs you might have. This is the time to get into the best shape of our lives and we are going to have a great time doing it together!

Let me which program you might be interested in trying or if you want any information about a particular program. SEE VIDEO LINKS BELOW! :)

Each Challenge Pack comes with the workout program of your choice (they each come with several workout DVD's, a nutrition and fitness guide for that program and bonus workouts), One month supply of Shakeology (30 all-natural whole food meals, with over 70 super-food ingredients for losing weight, gaining energy for your workout and your day, correcting cholesterol, reversing disease, getting healthy and many more benefits!), free one month membership to the Beachbody website, and free suppport from me and the rest of the Beachbody community. You save up to $55 with the Challenge pack off retail!

There are 2 new additions to the Challenge Packs...Les Mills Pump and Tai Cheng! And Challenge Packs can now be purchased from my store.

*Coach sign-up fee waived with Challenge Pack purchase. Contact me for details!

Learn more about "The Beachbody Challenge," Read success stories. Click "Take the Challenge to enter. Get a free T-shirt with the logo of your fitness program just for finishing!

Click "Shop." You can also purchase just Shakeology or just a Fitness program.

What will be required of YOU?

  • Order any needed supplies by Sunday, April 15th to make sure you are set and ready to go by the 11th. (Shipping can take 5-7 days.)
  • Commit to the 60/90 program of your choice and to give it your all everyday (You do everything at home, on your time and your schedule. No in-person meetings or group workouts.) 6 days a week, with a "rest day" on Sundays.
  • Check in with our FB Challenge group at least once per day.
  • Drink Shakeology once per day to replenish and fuel your changing body (preferably right after your workout.)
  • Take your before pictures. I know it can be embarrassing and comfortable to do so, but you'll be so happy you did. Think of it like you're saying goodbye to the you you will never know again!

Here are videos for all of the Challenge Pack options:



Insanity: The Asylum:


ChaLEAN Extreme:

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Breastfeeding While Drinking Shakeology

I wanted to address a topic that I get asked about often...
"Is it okay to drink Shakeology while nursing?"

Many new mothers are interested in losing the baby weight, but are worried about things passing through to their milk. I had done research and found Shakeology to be amazing (and healthy) tool for weight loss but I'll admit that I was a little hesitant about drinking it at first. The sample of Shakeology that I had requested from my Beachbody coach sat on my counter for a couple months before I tried it! Finally, I did a little research online and found mostly what the bag says...that it's fine but recommended to speak to your doctor before supplementing while nursing. I showed the nutrition label to my daughter's pediatrician (who uses Beachbody products herself.) She was impressed with all that was included in Shakeology and gave me the go-ahead! She even said it was fine for my toddler (this particular doctor said no more than half a serving.)

From what I read, most doctors give Shakeology a BIG thumbs up...come on, have you SEEN the ingredients list?! :) From what I read of doctors saying no it was mostly for liability reasons.

The thing about Shakeology is it's ALL chemicals, preservatives or colorings! There is HIGH QUALITY isolate protein, vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, probiotics, digestive enzymes, super-greens, super-fruits and so much more. Over 70 of the most nutritious foods in the world!! It certainly is potent nutrition but better then most anything else you could be eating! Including fast food, which is loaded with chemicals and preservatives. And so are many other foods that many nursing mothers eat/drink without a second thought.

Shakeology is an INCREDIBLE tool for weight loss. This is because the body is truly nourished and is able to heal from damage we've caused it over the years. Other wonderful benefits include gaining energy, correcting digestion, curbing your appetite for junk/sweets, lowering cholesterol, better mental clarity, to feel full, and so much more. What new mother doesn't want more ENERGY and MENTAL CLARITY? Drinking Shakeology also helps people to get more fruits & vegetables into the diet as you find your favorite recipes that incorporate them.

The main benefits that I have personally seen by substituting one meal per day with Shakeology have been:
  • Weight loss (about 7 lbs...didn't have too much to lose)
  • More energy for working out and my day
  • Better mental clarity
  • An amazing feeling over overall health
  • Appetite satisfied (keeps me full for hours!)
  • It takes care of my cravings for junk ...and... 
  • Helps motivate me to eat healthier for the rest of the day. It's seriously the best boost every time I drink it! I felt a difference the first time I tried it and I feel a difference every day.

One of my personally sponsored coaches had the same question about nursing and Shakeology. Once her doctor gave her the go-ahead to follow a weight loss plan she tried many things but it wasn't until she started Shakeology when she says the pounds start melting off. To this day it has helped her lose 40 pounds!! She is thrilled that she made the decision to take The Beachbody Challenge!! gives Shakeology a score of 97 out of 100! One of the only reasons why they did not give Shakeology a 100 is because of the controversial ingredient Blue Green Algae. Beachbody is actually taking this ingredient out of Shakeology and the change will be reflected on new bags coming out in the next few months. They find that that sourcing of this ingredient free from toxins will become progressively harder as time goes one.

My recommendation:
Start off the first couple days with a half serving (one half scoop or packet). This will help your own body adjust to the burst of nutrition and also to see if baby has any reactions. After the first couple days, if things continue to go well, begin replacing one meal a day with the full scoop (very filling!) And take advantage of Shakeology's 30 day money back guarantee to make sure it's something that will be of great value in your own life. Most people find it be an great blessing and tool to reach their goals...and it tastes AMAZING! (Particularly the chocolate flavor.)

My baby and I have never experienced any adverse reactions...only the wonderful benefits of Shakeology. My baby is now 11 months old and is healthy, alert and very strong. She rarely gets sick and is still exclusively nursing!

Click "Free Membership"- No Credit Card Required and NO spam

Want to sample it before buying?

Save $$ on Shakeology!


  • Take the Beachbody Challenge with a Beachbody Fitness program while replacing one meal a day with Shakeology. And get free coaching from me to reach your healthy/fitness goals!!

Click to Learn More

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Become a Coach for Free!

Coaching is Free for Active Duty Military!

The $39.95 sign up fee and $14.95 monthly fees WAIVED the 2nd month on with a valid copy of active duty orders, and for as long as you are active duty! Plus you get 25% off all Beachbody products (including Shakeology) and you have the opportunity to share Beachbody with others to make an extra income. My husband is Active Duty Army and this has been an incredible opportunity for both of us!

What's required:
* Fill out the coach application
* Copy of orders
* Ability to fax or scan your application & orders

Contact me and I will email you the forms and assist you in the process of becoming a coach, setting up your websites, and getting your business started.

For Non-Military:

You can still become a coach and have the coach sign-up fee ($39.95) waived entirely when you buy a CHALLENGE PACK (Beachbody fitness program of your choice, 1 month of Shakeology, + free shipping) during sign-up. Fee will be deducted during check-out.

Sign up to become a coach or learn more