
Saturday, April 28, 2012

60 Day Insanity Challenge

Today I completed week #1 of my 60 day Insanity Challenge!! In February I completed my first Beachbody program, P90X. Since then I'd been doing a mix of P90X and Turbofire. I love both programs (both amazing in their own way)...but I'm way excited to be on a set schedule again with Insanity.

I love being able to commit to one program and have the path to fitness marked for me. I'll admit that following my own random schedule these last couple months hasn't been nearly as effective as following a set schedule. Beachbody's programs and workouts are high quality and organized the way they are for a help people get into the BEST SHAPE of their lives in the QUICKEST amount of time possible. How else could you get results like this in 60 days?! (Including a healthy diet.)

Back in December I decided to enter Shakeology's holiday recipe contest. I planned out my recipe and after a few trial runs I had my complete recipe ready for submission. In early January 2012 the Shakeology judges voted and 15 recipes were left for the public to vote of them being mine. And on January 11th I found out that I had received the most votes and had won a Beachbody program of my choice and 1 month of Shakeology. I was thrilled! I decided to go with Insanity.

So this program has been sitting in my Beachbody library for 3 months now untouched...Hello?! It's Insanity! It seemed so daunting to me. I had a new Challenge group starting up on April 23rd and a few of my challengers had decided to go with Insanity, and it inspired me to commit to the entire 60 days. And I'm so glad I did! Every day this week I've been enjoying the workouts more and more. I've been drinking my Shakeology about an hour before and I know it's helping to energize me for these intense workouts.

Some things I love about Insanity: The workouts are super fast-paced and challenging (not the best choice for a beginner level or for anyone prone to injury), but it's encouraging knowing that I don't have to do everything perfectly at first...but the workouts push me to do as much as I possibly can and more! I've been blown away by how well I've been able to keep up and get through each entire DVD. I attribute a lot of that to how fit P90X and Turbofire have helped me become. I appreciate the focus and time dedicated to stretching in each Insanity workout that I've done so far. Shaun T emphasizes the importance of stretching and warming up and how it should NOT be matter how many times you've done it in previous workouts. And the rest of the routines, although extremely me, are still fun and motivating. Insanity is also a nice break from complex choreography routines, such as found in Turbofire (although they are WAY fun once you get the moves down.)

So Monday was Day #1, the first fit test and I feel like I did pretty well. I look forward to seeing how I have improved in 2 weeks. Today was Day #6 and I did the Plyometric Cardio Circuit DVD. It was the second time doing it this week and I loved it. I have never sweat SO much in my life and it felt wonderful. I am looking forward to this challenge more and more every day!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Lately I've not been feeling the best...a little achey & fatigued. I realize now that it is strongly linked to my water consumption (or lack thereof.) My husband recently got home from deployment and we've been busy getting things done and have been playing a lot more outdoors...and I've been paying less attention to how much water I drink. And living in Hawaii, the sun is quite intense here. I've probably been drinking just enough to get by and have been suffering because of it. With summer coming up it's important for us all to be drinking enough water to stay in the best health possible and to be able to enjoy fun in the sun!

Did you know that most Americans are chronically dehydrated?
Not drinking enough water, consumption of sugary drinks, eating tons of salty food, etc... are all factors that contribute to this. How are you doing with your water intake? Could you be drinking more? Today a friend of mine shared a link to calculate how much water you should be drinking taking into account:

  • Weight
  • How long you exercise for daily
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Altitude
  • Climate
  • How much alcohol you consume
  • Temperature/weather
  • And whether you're sick or not

According to this calculator, I should be drinking about 91 oz. or 2.7 liters PER DAY! I've been lacking more than I thought. :/

While we're on the subject...Check out an article I recently posted:
Expert Tips and Advice: 10 Ways Water Helps You to Lose Weight.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Challenge Group Beginning April 23rd!

Challenge Group Info- Entry Deadline April 15th

My next CHALLENGE GROUP begins Monday, April 23rd and you are invited!

0 days left to enter. This will allow everyone to have their supplies ready to go for our April 23rd start date. The cost to join my challenge group is $0-$205, depending on what you already have and need. It's worth every penny and can actually save you money. Ask me how!

Watch this video and if you are serious about getting the best results in the shortest amount of time possible, with a great support network that won't let you fail, let me know! As your personal Beachbody coach I will be available by phone, text, email, fb to help you through the whole process. I want YOU to be successful at finally reaching your health/weight/fitness goals. And I will be doing a program along with you!

I’m forming a challenge group based on the Beachbody Challenge. It will be a great opportunity to get in shape because we’ll be accountable to each other, give support, & ask and answer each others questions for the duration of the 60/90 day programs. Most people will be doing either P90X or Insanity. However, there are other options if you need something a little less intense. We will be using Shakeology as our after-workout recovery meal. I’ve set the start date for Monday, April 23rd. I’m here to help you with whatever fitness and health needs you might have. This is the time to get into the best shape of our lives and we are going to have a great time doing it together!

Let me which program you might be interested in trying or if you want any information about a particular program. SEE VIDEO LINKS BELOW! :)

Each Challenge Pack comes with the workout program of your choice (they each come with several workout DVD's, a nutrition and fitness guide for that program and bonus workouts), One month supply of Shakeology (30 all-natural whole food meals, with over 70 super-food ingredients for losing weight, gaining energy for your workout and your day, correcting cholesterol, reversing disease, getting healthy and many more benefits!), free one month membership to the Beachbody website, and free suppport from me and the rest of the Beachbody community. You save up to $55 with the Challenge pack off retail!

There are 2 new additions to the Challenge Packs...Les Mills Pump and Tai Cheng! And Challenge Packs can now be purchased from my store.

*Coach sign-up fee waived with Challenge Pack purchase. Contact me for details!

Learn more about "The Beachbody Challenge," Read success stories. Click "Take the Challenge to enter. Get a free T-shirt with the logo of your fitness program just for finishing!

Click "Shop." You can also purchase just Shakeology or just a Fitness program.

What will be required of YOU?

  • Order any needed supplies by Sunday, April 15th to make sure you are set and ready to go by the 23rd. (Shipping can take 5-7 days.)
  • Commit to the 60/90 program of your choice and to give it your all everyday (You do everything at home, on your time and your schedule. No in-person meetings or group workouts.) 6 days a week, with a "rest day" on Sundays.
  • Check in with our FB Challenge group at least once per day.
  • Drink Shakeology once per day to replenish and fuel your changing body (preferably right after your workout.)
  • Take your before pictures. I know it can be embarrassing and comfortable to do so, but you'll be so happy you did. Think of it like you're saying goodbye to the you you will never know again!

Here are videos for all of the Challenge Pack options:



Insanity: The Asylum:


ChaLEAN Extreme: